Many victories in a little 30-day Healthy Eating challenge:
- Finding new ways – hidden or not – to incorporate more fruits/veggies into my kids’ diet
- I drank more water than coffee every day and didn’t scar anyone else psychologically
- Our complexions cleared up Day 5 and remained more stable overall
- 90% of fruits/veggies were fresh, not frozen (besides me freezing bananas for smoothies)

A little discomfort:
- Shocking reality that fresh produce may be a luxury item – No wonder we battle schools for improved menus or health issues as a country. Adding good stuff in addition to filling stuff adds extra money to the bottom line. Grow your own or check out the 99c store – who knew?
- It’s all in the presentation – After stuffing 6 cups of fruits/veggies into my son daily, he still won’t eat a chicken sandwich with 1 slice of lettuce and tomato on it
- Hiring dishwasher/sous chef: I’ll wean my kids into it gradually, I didn’t want to incorporate the discomfort of cut fingers or broken glasses to the challenge.

The real success story was how easy it was to adopt this lifestyle (despite all the whiny debates from when I announced our challenge):
- Early adopters – The first 3 days of diets usually suck until you embrace the idea and feel benefits to motivate you – Sept. 1, we started with a bang and never slowed down. I’m sure the $1 a day bribe I offered helped, but bottom line, $1 isn’t going to make kids eat anything they don’t want to.
- Doing it together rocked – Mom’s kitchen is not a restaurant with multiple entrees per night.
- Didn’t feel deprived – Nothing was off-limits, we ate all fruits/veggies before dessert. If we had parties, we were aware and got in the daily allotment later. If anything, it was hard to get it all in. The only thing the kids vocalized was drinking less milk to get water in.
- Super easy-to-visualize plan – “Deck of cards” or “Fist-sized” portions confuse me but eyeballing ½ your plate filled with fruits/veggies – no matter how much you eat – is
The true success will be how long we keep going in October, but at this point, we’re really optimistic!