Field Trips created the best school days – leaping outside the lines and learning by accident. At one job, we took a field trip to see their latest film at a public theatre – with popcorn! I started another job when the taste of their outing to an exhibit, with lunch and an event Tshirt still lingered!

I love Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way” books, especially one heralding Artist’s Dates. She encourages weekly sightseeing trips into our towns. While hers implies a solitary effort, the goals remain the same:
1) Top off your tank, tap into creativity – Exposing your self to surrounding energy opens you to great gifts and experience to draw on.
2) Catch a new buzz –Even textbook business strategy involves creativity applying it to your product. Leave the stale boardroom and breathe the benefit of fresh air. Exist for a while in the heart of your target audience.
3) People that play together, work well together – Employers take note, a small gesture of a few free “stolen” workday hours treats employees in a huge way! I don’t mean leaving early, as most people return home to more “work.”

I took a field trip to step away from lists, hear different conversations, lose myself in a latte and melted brie, and not wash dishes afterwards. My perspective shifted within 10 feet from the door.
A woman talked to the barista – whom she knew. When he stepped away, she said hello to me and offered me the messenger bag on her shoulder to carry my laptop. I gratefully declined explaining my month-long home purge. She commiserated with me saying that in her van, things get crowded for her and her bed, which she shares with her dog. I chuckled saying no matter the size of our containers, we fill them. The man returned with her ice bucket, she bid me a good evening and left. As I ordered, I bought a gift card for the man to save for her next visit. Rather than assume whether she needs help or not, I hope she, too, may treat herself to a meal, frothy drink and someone else to clean up.
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