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Moonshine Kitty Valentine’s Day!

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I started compiling my list of favorite movie kisses, one of which was the Twilight Prom Gazebo kiss. This reminded me that I wanted to finally watch the newest DVD release tonight now that I’ve lived with it in my home for 3 days. A glass of wine and a tiny piece of chocolate could make the evening even more perfect, so I narrow down my selection from the variety of sugar bombs.

Then, Oh Crap! We still need to make rock candy as our last requirement for my son’s Scout Scientist belt loop, patch or pin – I never could keep them apart – in order for him to bridge to Scouts.

We read the instructions and realized that we needed wooden sticks or clean string for the rock candy to grow on. Turns out neither were staples in all of my crafting stuff. With no option to reschedule, we moved on to Plan B for brilliant! I dreamed up the plan to pour molten sugar water in a shallower dish using wooden toothpicks as the sticks. To keep them from slipping in, I improvised quickly and used a plastic sandwich bag over the top of the small jar and pushed the toothpicks through the plastic and voila! It held the toothpicks upright and in place. Rock candy crystals may appear as early as tomorrow but will take at least 7 days to grow completely.

Rock Candy with cover holding the toothpicks upright!

Immediately things rolled right into reading time and while my daughter read, “The school bell rang. It was time for…” I blurted out “Timer!!” Time for Timer pranced across your screen Saturday mornings TV teaching you things about your body and health. He had us hankerin’ for a hunk of cheese and craving sunshine on a stick – a toothpick, really. I couldn’t believe that watching those PSA’s over and over would result in the perfect solution 34 years later!

Remember him?!

Turns out I do have popsicle sticks in the house, but honestly, I love that my mind did store things through the years and smaller rock candies are even cuter than the real size. Speaking of real, my valentine date with the Cullen’s awaits.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day Recipe: Sunshine on a Stick

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