People finally won the $640 million lottery! Now we can leave La-La-Lotteryland and get back to “real life.” I don’t feel disappointed that I didn’t win as the odds foretold this result. I’m excited to see who did win, and hear great stories of changed lives and paying it forward.
To ground my kids as quickly as possible, I’m redirecting our focus to FUNdraising as a reminder that just because the cash bubble broke and we splurged buying tickets, let’s refocus on efforts where our money brings a better return – FUNdraising!
By putting the FUN in FUNdraising the effort stands strong despite the economy. When people get something good while doing good, it brings joy twofold. We held a Melt Down boasting hot food trucks and bands for great Friday fun!

Karaoke events feed a musical frenzy as guests pay to request songs or singers whom, if they don’t want to sing, must out-donate the first person.
Capitalizing on things people must do, like recycling, brings joy to people’s chores and raises awareness. Clean the garage, host charity garage sale – no haggling! Put a bin out for neighbors to leave recyclables. For greater success, pick up from their homes! Host a car wash! I held milk/cookie stands in my yard (donated from grocery stores) and cars drove by dumping change from their cup-holder because they saw me there.

To fundraise without no events – INCENTIVIZE! CupcakesbyJoyce.com sweetened the deal for my MS Walk (big button –>). For each $5 donated people get entered to win a dozen delicious cupcakes. Because cupcakes don’t mail well, if you live outside 100 miles of LA/OC/SD then cupcakes will feed Team Hope – the large group I’m walking with. When local companies donate prizes, they get tax-deductable publicity while you raise money. HOT items – gas or coffee cards!
If you had successful or unique fundraisers, please share your ideas in comments! Want fundraising feedback? Post ideas, I’ll share my thoughts. I live in that brain often, it comes naturally. Your biggest goal – start the conversation. Once people know what you’re doing, they appreciate your efforts and give. One never knows until one asks and the worst people say is “No.”
These are great ideas… Wow! Very inventive!