Back then, I prepared to downsize homes for the 2nd time in 2 years. I LOVED moving a lot when younger – exploring new neighborhoods and setting up a new home. While married, I accumulated a household and dragged around our baggage. Feeling the divorce “forced” the downsize, I stubbornly held onto stuff thinking when I’d proved that I survived, I’d have a full house to show it. Hindsight reminds me that sending volumes of negativity into the universe, attracts negativity.
I’d hired movers that I used before (different franchise), scheduled for an afternoon start. The hours-late movers were not starving, nor students, and debated putting it off until morning. I had to be out that day and I’d made it clear how much stuff on how many floors when I called. They asked if I’d be paying cash or credit card (shady) then conferred and began. I calculated a few hours to load, drive 2 miles and a few more to unload.
7 hours later at 11pm – 2 hours after my ex calmed me down due to damage they caused to the place and my furniture – they finished loading. They offered to store my furniture in their “warehouse” overnight to start fresh. “Hell no, Continue!”
Flash-forward to 1am, I was in my new yard talking the police out of ticketing me because the truck parked on the wrong side of the road. Recognizing my un-neighborly first impression, I pleaded, “Single lady…don’t feel comfortable…” They relented, “Ma’am. Please put on the flashing blinkers.”
Looking back, the movers took the insult I felt from moving and added injury to everything I owned, even my independence prize – the first non-hand-me-down NEW couch I bought. It sucked the wind from my sails. Fortunately healing began with saint of an old landlord. Since he planned large fix-ups to prep for sale, the mover’s butt busted through his drywall became a minor patch job. Starbucks cards to my neighbors allowed us to earn a new first impression.
Looking back, things don’t matter. Sometimes it bothers me that the couch isn’t perfect on one arm. It pleases me more how many “Big bed nights” the kids enjoyed with friends. Those are invaluable!
What about you?
Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
If you answer, drop your links in the comments!
This question came from Marc & Angel’s 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind!
Lots of good reminders…
Do you remember… Does it really matter now? …and to keep that in mind for current events ;0)
Letting Go.. of the past, outdated ideas, and things! …a life lesson for me :0) …and to let my hand, as well as the rest of me ;0) cool off by letting go of that hot coal! Buddha is so smart ;0)
So smart!! It’s good practice for things 5 years, days or minutes ago! Thanks for wandering by! I appreciate the comment!
Great post and so very true!
I just have to remind myself for the things that happened 5 weeks ago or 5 days ago too… Thanks for wandering by!