In our house the kids get excited about holidays – especially those involving gifts. We like to put thought into gift giving when we have the luxury of time, and they enjoy planning for me just as much. They start planning what they’re going to give me early on but considering they don’t have an allowance, the school no longer offers their gift fair (where the kids bought the family’s gifts), nor do we have another parent to take them shopping, their options were limited. Additionally, considering how much stuff resides in this apartment with us, the last thing I need are more tchotchkies. Pinterest didn’t exist yet in my universe so what now?!
I wish I still had the article that provided this gem so I could credit the woman. At her suggestion, I purchased a nicer journal and every Mother’s Day and birthday the kids now each design a page in the journal. So far, I’ve received pictures of our house, poems, and love notes with bouquets of flowers. One of the best parts becomes looking back reliving the love of previous years and laughing at what was on someone’s mind. I love seeing how the children’s abilities and interests grow each year as well.

The rules are simple – anything goes. It can be handmade or store bought then glued in the page, drawn, assembled as a collage, painted, stickers, glitter, anything! Realizing that children evolve, as do their moods, written words aren’t required but if you include them they can be original thoughts, song lyrics or whatever communicates your sentiment. Being realistic that kids will pass through teenage years, the philosophy “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” stands. I fully expect trends to waver from flowery sweetness to minimalist.

Even if you do have another parent in the house to take the kids shopping, I’ve yet to see any gift that will beat the journal. While we started it for the holidays, my goal is to showcase it and make it available for any OTHER day as well so whenever the children feel so inclined, they may savor its pages, relish the memories and add to its richness.

What a great idea! I’m glad you started this when they are young. I’m going to suggest this to a few of my friends who still have little kids. Thanks!
The great thing is that they continued it well after the kids could go and drive to buy gifts or cards for their mom! It’s sweet and fun! Thanks for wandering by today! Happy Mother’s Day!
That really is a wonderful idea! What a precious thing – I hope you have scanned every page so that you have it stored electronically as well “just in case”.
That is a great idea! I need help with getting caught up to electronic filing! Thanks for wandering by! I hope you had a great Mother’s Day!
I love your blog today! Home made cards are a great idea as they allow the children to express their really feelings. Hope your day was wonderful!
Haha! Thank you! I know it was not the story you expected to see! Thanks for wandering by! Happy Mother’s Day to you as well!