You may have noticed, I’ve been on the lam in recent months, not regularly reporting my wanderings. A clandestine operation, simply referred to as trojaN horsE, occupies my time with my first assignment requiring 100% secrecy and dedication. Now, I find myself living the life of an intelligence double agent. The success of this operation finds me balancing demands of both worlds.

My favorite show ever Alias (C) Disney
This remains a delicate operation as I continue to cement my position in my known career, while offering myself as a walk-in with the competing underground agency. No one, not even those working side-by-side with me are aware of my covert mission. I’m not sure how they’d feel knowing I am engaged in a complex dance of seduction with the other agency.
The initial message came to me one night, an innocuous yet intriguing pop-up cipher delivering no more instruction than “Click here…” On the receiving end of that hotline was an eager case officer eager to recruit me to the path of higher knowledge, exposure to intellectual missions, and, ultimately, more responsibility for my own path.

We infiltrated the system quickly for a successful outcome. The case officer, my handler, managed my paperwork and requested special clearance from the Chief of Station to avoid additional testing. My legend required some authentication while my bona fides hoped to present me as the ideal candidate.

(Where was this blog when I used to watch it…
Opportunity and preparation crossed paths and I gained admission to the program. My daytime cover puts me face-to-face with the high-caliber professionals grooming intelligence and intellectual paths of others but at night, I glean information from the same sorts of people on master-level missions exclusive to me.
Even now, only those readers closest to me know my true identity for I don’t want a dangle reputation to jeopardize my current assignment. For the next 18 grueling months, my attention will be focused on gathering intelligence and deciphering communications. I will do my best to report back to you my wanderings, although I hate to admit that it will be fewer and farther between as my operations become more demanding. I will not cut communications completely unless it becomes unsafe to have above ground dealings.
Until next time…
fighT oN!

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