There has been a big countdown going on in recent past and it’s finally coming to fruition. I’m not talking about:

Thanks rochelle, just rochelle for the photo!
Nor am I pushing the 12/21/12 end of the Mayan Calendar

Thanks insert screen name here for the photo
I’m realizing just how unprepared I am for a zombie apocalypse and am now slightly concerned about my goal to have a plan for when it occurs.

Thanks Visceral e Insolúvel for the graphic!
The end of my first semester as a graduate student is going to be over in 1 week!

I’m trying to get it all done and wrapped up but at the same time am SUPER excited to have a bit more free time for the time being until next semester!
I already know where my journey will begin…

Help me decide where to wander next! I have 4 weeks to pack in as much living and relaxing as possible! WTF? When’s the Finish? Next Tuesday officially, next Thursday after our one dangling live web session.

Thanks tind for the photo.
I’ll definitely refer to my 101 in 1001 and Naturally, Kids lists for fun adventures, but tell me what you recommend. What great thing have you done since September that you just know I ought to try?!
I’ll tell you one thing, I look forward to wandering some with you and catching up a bit!