10,000 ways to leave your lovin’ lard ass – or something like that. At work, we’re doing a 10,000 steps per day challenge. While losing weight could be a side-effect, the goal is simply to get our bums up out of chairs, take some time to quiet our minds and get those creative juices flowing!

WTF – Walk to Fitness!
The weekend before the challenge started, I practiced for perspective of just how many steps 10,000 is. We were walking (2,500 steps) through downtown to pick up my race packet for the 3.5 mile mini marathon (approximately 4,600 steps) and found ourselves sitting down for lunch at the Original Pantry Restaurant. When my pedometer leaped off of my purse in protest I saw it as a warning that clearly there is no way 10K steps would walk off what we ate there.

My patron saint of wellness sent me 2 more pedometers on Monday and I was back on track without a-breakin’ my stride. It’s 550 steps from my car to my office; 160 steps to the coffee shop; 60 steps across the middle of our floor end to end.
Well guess what, they’re right! The creative barriers become much looser and I have questions flooding my head like an inquisitive 3-year old.

Now there are some things that are troubling my one track, 10,000 step mind:
1) In the order of the universe, is it better to walk farther (more steps) to ride the elevator up or is it better to walk a shorter distance to walk up the stairs (but less steps overall)? See my conundrum?!
2) Isn’t choosing salad over paninis worth an instant 1000 steps?
3) Why aren’t stairs worth 2 steps each automatically?

Here are some additional steps that I am having trouble reconciling:
Steps racked up during a cake-walk
Back and forth to the all-you-can-eat buffet in Vegas
Chasing down the ice cream man

Scurrying down the hall to the free leftover lunch at work
Steps getting up and going to the loo – we’re going to do that anyway, no extra walk effort
Racing after people to kiss their ass – have some dignity!

Now that I managed to make it more complicated, please join/help me?
The kid’s ice cream man sign is hilarious! I always tell myself I’m gonna walk more by parking far away from store entrances. But end up not ever doing so cuz the walk to return the shopping carts is gonna take too long – especially if you’re planning on buying ice cream. Congratulations on meeting your walking goals!
SF, you hit the nail on the head. I get SO lazy when returning shopping carts! I’m always guilty of leaving my cart between cars (careful not to scratch anyone’s paint). Thank you for wandering by! Hope to see you round these parts again!