

…you go to a coffee shop, grab a lemon bar and latte and write about the *&^%#@!!

With most of my life, I am even-keeled. I dance through life, roll with it – Hakuna Matata! On occasion, a zinger gets through and under my skin. Recently a missile compromised the boundary of my personal dancing space and I could not let it go. I kept trying to work creatively on my blog but really, REALLY wanted to rant!

I never want to pollute my blog with negative sentiments and I made a pact to not trash things or reputations here. Then, I worried more, causing more blogging delays… This blog represents me wandering through life – good and bad. Am I filtering and falsely representing myself if I only present the glittery moments?

I clarified my purpose to capture the conflict and my experience, learn lessons, and share them with everyone. It’s like taking Grimm’s tales and Disneyfying them! Let me explain…

• Fairy tales happened a long, long time ago – so two days ago allows enough distance from the conflict to return with a fresh perspective.

• Fantasy stories weave negative, often scary or sad, situations with many make-believe threads. Sometimes reality hit levels so unbelievable that you couldn’t make this shtuff up!

• Great stories contain good, innocent protagonists battling evil antagonists who needs to be slayed to save humanity…

• Sprinkle with Magic – found in fruit, wands, sidekicks or anytime your influence changes someone else’s course.

• The purpose of documenting your conflict becomes to resolve it – usually after at least 3 different attempts. You only have powers to change yourself, but give them the benefit of the doubt – suggest positive paths. Then, figure out what you need to change internally instead.

• Happy endings may result from protagonists attitude make-over. More likely, the change in perception and behavior will be within you. Knowing that your writing may help even one person still instills happiness.

• Re-state the moral of your story and teach others to live it.

I used to warn people that if they tick me off they’d become a character in my books. At least now, it’ll have a happy ending!

I know I’m not the only one to find sanctuary in coffee shops!

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  1. Ah, this makes me want to reread fairytales. I loved the one with the sisters whose suitors had to go find them shoes, or something, and encountered many beasts that the girls’ father had put in their path. I’ll have to ask my mother what it was–I believe it was one of Grimm’s. Anyway, I liked this post a lot!

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