Perhaps this isn’t truly distortion though, maybe he really is smiling that big with or without the lens!
Perhaps this isn’t truly distortion though, maybe he really is smiling that big with or without the lens!
Minimizing morning melees through routines and planning works for most parts of the morning. Trying to prepare sporting things, sign 3-ring binders, and prepping parts of lunch positions us to get out the door on time. Breakfast, however, has yet to hit its stride. My kids rotate favorite foods they “have to” get, but the…
Today seemingly random sequences of events caught my attention and changed my focus. I believe that nothing happens coincidentally. This year, my goal continues to ride every wave no matter how far or deep I need to swim. A thank you letter for a donation in honor of the recently passed Father John P. Daly…
How many favorite family traditions can you think of from the last third of the year? Then, turn the corner into the new year and the barren first months leave us in withdrawals. This year I’m eager to define a fun tradition for my family to implement this spring, in addition to our shamrock shake…
Every Monday, the coffee-time banter repeats, “How was your weekend?” “Great, but too short!” While I’m designing a time-travel machine with settings to speed up work-weeks, or slow down weekends, meanwhile, I’m determined to maximize precious relaxation time. This pep-talk stands to convince me that downtime will even present itself as, today, we split time…
Ever notice that sometimes smart people do stupid things? I’m a recovering Princess who’d joined a triathlon team despite my delicate posterior not gracing a bicycle seat in 27 years! Our first journey traveled near the Rose Bowl castle. I sighed hearing that a lap around the kingdom covered 3-ish miles. Having traveled that distance…
Numbers and I remain cordial. By accident, or my ethnicity, I usually score well on math tests. However, the more I think about numbers, the faster my head spins. I started this blog for the daily discipline to write and to live the joy discovered by breathing life into creative tidbits that I wander across,…
I boldly committed to writing 365 words a day for 365 days, and leapt onto the page, typing enthusiastically until the screeching realization about 10 days into it, that 2012 actually has 366 days! Dang it! I could write 366 words for 366 days, or write 366 words every 4th posting. Perhaps I should blaze…
I committed to 365 days of writing 365 words and today is the day to give this year 366 days to throw me for a loop. So all bets are off, the rules don’t apply, and I have a fun way to celebrate Leap Year this year that I will share later! For now I…
Blogging rides up on my butt every night threatening to run me over and derail me. Recently back working again, I haven’t retained the mental space to prepare a prominent idea cultivated while wandered during the day – and I don’t want to blog about my work as I’d love for it to transform into…
Many of my friends met amazing dates or awesome future-spouses online. Utilizing computers’ brains to define one’s heart presented uber-compatible matches. While I remained cautious about starting relationships for my kids’ (and briefly, my own) sanity, I wanted to make sense of the “playing field” at this stage of my life. I didn’t put the…
After trudging through this week, my instinct to find something good in it rose to the top. Today proved to be less about rest, more about the continual transition to our future. I seized the silent moment – between the finish line of the weekend, and the starting line for the next one – to…