TOP 10 VIDEOS TO GET YOU IN THE MOOD (for the next Star Wars film!)
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TOP 10 VIDEOS TO GET YOU IN THE MOOD (for the next Star Wars film!)

With tangible anticipation, the seduction tickles each of our 5 senses pulling us closer.  Whether we go full-body all in, or pulled in inch by inch, we feverishly mark the date on the calendar and before it’s upon us, already hope for multiple experiences. I’m not talking about the next 50 Shades of Grey,  I’m…


Recently, I lunched with a long-time friend! I relished reconnecting over lunch and simply focusing on the person in front of me. Then my wandering mind connected that to truly get centered, I must invest time to also get to know myself. Inspired by a blog – I surveyed my CURRENT self – and will…