Every year and every day offers a new opportunity to start over, to learn, to grow, and to be kind – to ourselves and to others. After reading the title of Shonda Rhimes’ book, 2017 became my Year of Yes! [I hope to actually read the full book in 2018 because if the title alone launched one of the most amazing years of my life so far, the possibilities seem powerful]! Spending a year living outside my comfort zone, and at the same time, very much inside my head and heart, helped me contemplate and focus my goals, get in touch with my history and plot new paths for my future. [Cue the confetti and the marching band!] What word would be worthy to follow the Year of YES?!
Truth be told, at the end of the year, I felt like the inside of a spaghetti squash in that every time one scraped the internal surface, a whole new pile of stringy things spilled out all over the place giving a whole lot of goodness, but at the same time, making an even bigger mess. You can dress it up and fool the world into believing it’s as good as pasta, but truth be told, it’s still spaghetti squash. [I think I just nominated a mascot to accompany the Word of the Year!]
My 2018 Word of the Year:

Since I already felt a bit raw after everything that happened in my life and in the country during the last year [Who can relate?! Woo!], I yearned to bring things back to a level that I could control by forming deeper connections with people while also helping others strengthen their connections! To truly connect, one must be willing to be vulnerable.
Honestly, it just felt like the right year to bust everything open for inspection. I’ve always ended my job interviews by bragging about my ability to compartmentalize to ensure employers that my crazy busy home life won’t spill over into the workplace. This skill also helped me cope with yucky situations [aka: loss of control when knocked off track] like my divorce, times where I know I didn’t stand up for my goals, or the literal shit show – the flood of 2015, and put them away in a shoe box in my closet to return some normalcy to my life. By constantly rushing to stay ahead of the discomfort to prove “I’m fine!” I was not present in my life, nor was I living an authentic life. [#FineIsFake]

Now, More than Ever:
a) I’ve stepped into some new circles of amazing people: Connecting with my tribe of Insiders, my family of Korean adoptees and working to deepen connections with my large circle of family by friendship, I’ve noticed that part of me loves to drop a joke, create a diversion and flee when people get what I deem “too close.” I’m calling my bluff.
b) I’m fixing to celebrate my 50th (in 2020) with an epic mid-life Personal Journey: …As opposed to a mid-life crisis [unless Elon Musk wants to throw a convertible red Tesla at me – even if it has 70 million miles on it]. Since a journey of that size takes time and I’ve already started the ball rolling – why NOT now?
c) I don’t want my quirks to spill over to the next 50 years, or to my kids: I want to contain the crazy to my first 50 years so that my kids can find their own colorful ways to go a little nuts. Plus it’s a great lesson to them that I can identify things in myself that I want to improve then find a way to do it.
d) I’m tired of putting myself last: My health depends on it. So easy for us to say, so hard for us to do, to say we’ll stop putting ourselves last. If you do this, just STOP! No, I have no idea what you and I will do with our scant free time, but let’s start by grabbing a green juice [I meant caramel latte with whip] and we’ll figure something out.
e) I’ve never been one to fight to keep up with the Jones’: That’s served me well, especially as a single parent, because it’s just not going to happen – and I’m fine with it. We want for nothing. …OK, maybe I tried to keep up for a hot second while in college. My son can tell you verbatim [rolling his eyes] about the time I bought myself an expensive watch. After wearing it for a day, becoming totally paranoid and squirmy in my own skin [rather than totally over-the-moon higher than “Fine”], I returned it.

So what does this mean?
Does this mean that as of NOW I’ll be wearing my spaghetti squash heart on my sleeve?… Corner you at the grocery store demanding to know your 5-year plan?… Buck any trends and purposefully go in an opposite direction?… No! I still would love to check out catchy new exercise trends [dance craze], hang out at relaxing travel destinations, or try the newest age-fighting lotions. I’ll admit though, without the help of my #OMagInsider role, I’m usually a late adapter. So, maybe don’t look for the latest trends here, but I’ll tell you what I’m loving right now! You’ll get my in-depth reviews boasting about the obvious fun and the secondary benefits!
The Sparks of Inspiration:
My kids – I don’t think my kids feel I’m any crazier than their friends think their parents are crazy [sorry if that is news to you]. But, before I send the kids into the world, I want to teach them the value of human connections and being connected with your inner self.
Other’s truths – So many of the amazing people that I connected with this year trusted me with their truths and gave me the strength to follow suit.
Brené Brown – Having just dived into Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday podcasts [since Summer 2017 – told you, late adapter…], Brené was the first one I listened to – hoping for a cliff notes of her books since I look forward to hearing her speak in May! Call it a bandwagon or call it a message from the universe. She’s got my ear now, so I will listen.

What about you?
- Do you have a word or mantra for this year? #OneWord
- What are your favorite podcasts for personal growth?
- How do you take Super Soul Sunday? Watch it? Podcasts? Read the Book?
- Do you have a better answer than “Fine” when someone asks you how you are?
- Is this me subliminally whining about needing to wean myself off flour carbs?!
- Do you have a favorite Spaghetti Squash recipes so SS & I can be on good terms?
- Should I commit to this word and hammer my into a necklace?
I’m thinking
This is your year of courage and vision board dreams come true. I hope to celebrate your 50th with you! I was a bowl of over-cooked spaghetti squash in 2012. Reinventing myself and raising 3 kids alone has become my greatest accomplishment. Love you fellow #Omaginsider and your vulnerable side!
You are my shooting star then – my beacon of hope! I’d love to celebrate my 50th with you (but hopefully I’ll meet you before then too!) xo Love you too!!
So glad to have met you this year and that we have formed our own tribe within a tribe! So excited for next month!
My word is “BELIEVE”. Just like Eileen, 2012 set me way back and took away all confidence in myself. I’ve been working to bring it back and to believe in myself again. I also have a yearly theme – this year it’s Dream Bigger.
I can’t wait to see what you dream up for your amazing event and for YOU! I love your word! Can’t wait to see you soon! xo
My word for 2018 is fearless. I never would’ve arrived at it had it not been for all the times in 2017 I said Yes. It all started with O Mag Insiders, and I am so grateful I met you and now get to call you my friend. It’s okay to be a squash sometimes! You can only go up from there. Thank you for being vulnerable with our tribe. That’s where the real stuff happens, after all. Yay! Authenticity!
So funny, I feel like a Bloom County character now – the squash! I know I wouldn’t be so brave if not for fearless role models like you! So glad we’re on this amazing journey together! xo
Love your word! It can be tough to be vulnerable, but that’s really when the magic happens. I’m so grateful for you and our Insiders tribe. My word for 2018 is fearless because for so long, fear of failure and fear of what others think, have held me back from going after what I really want. No more!